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Signal Properties:

In addition to configured indicators, we can use the below properties to configure entry/exit conditions.

# Day Of Week

Current Day of week. Usage example, You can configure a condition to execute only on mondays and tuedays.

Day Of Week contains monday,tuesday AND rsi isAbove 70

# Time Of Day

Current Time in the day. 24 Hours Time format hours:minutes:seconds.

Time Of Day isAbove 09:20:00

# Days To Expire

Number of days to expire from current day. If your selected instrument is NIFTY, - nifty options expire tomorrow, then today, daysToExpire will be 1 - nifty options expire today, then today, daysToExpire will be 0

Note: Days To Expire will ignore holidays. (If expiry is day after tomorrow and tomorrow is holiday, then daysToExpire today will be 1)

# Future Last Traded Price

Last Traded Price of the selected instrument's future.

If you have pair strategy, then you will have

  • future item1 Last Traded Price
  • future item2 Last Traded Price

# Equity Last Traded Price

Last Traded Price of the selected instrument's equity.

If you have pair strategy, then you will have

  • equity item1 Last Traded Price
  • equity item2 Last Traded Price

Exit And Adjustment Signal Properties:

These properties are available after a transaction has entered. Can be used Exit and Adjustments conditions.

# strategy Loss %

After entry, strategy Loss % is the loss percentage of all the legs combined.

Example 1 if you buy CE 1 lot of 50 quantity for Rs. 200 and current traded price is Rs.150 if you buy PE 1 lot of 50 quantity for Rs. 200 and current traded price is Rs.180 then the strategy stop loss % is 35

Example 2 if you buy CE 1 lot of 50 quantity for Rs. 200, current traded price is irrelevant but you already exited at Rs.150. if you buy PE 1 lot of 50 quantity for Rs. 200 and current traded price is Rs.180 then the strategy stop loss % is 35

Note if a leg has exited, we use the exitedPrice or if the leg is open, we use the leg's lastTradedPrice to calculate to profit/loss for that leg.

# strategy target profit %

After entry, strategy target profit % is the gain percentage of all the legs combined.

For example, if you buy CE 1 lot of 50 quantity for Rs. 200 and current traded price is Rs.250 if you buy PE 1 lot of 50 quantity for Rs. 200 and current traded price is Rs.220 then the strategy stop gain % is 35

For example, if you buy CE 1 lot of 50 quantity for Rs. 200, current traded price is irrelevant but you already exited at Rs.250. if you buy PE 1 lot of 50 quantity for Rs. 200 and current traded price is Rs.220 then the strategy stop gain % is 35

Note if a leg has exited, we use the exitedPrice or if the leg is open, we use the leg's lastTradedPrice to calculate to profit/loss for that leg.

Leg Signal Properties (Adjustments):

These properties are only available in adjustments.

# Loss %

Current Loss percentage of the leg.

Example: buy CE 1 lot of 50 quantity for Rs. 200 and current traded price or exit price is Rs.150, then stop loss percentage is 25%

Note if a leg has exited, we use the exitedPrice or if the leg is open, we use the leg's lastTradedPrice to calculate to profit/loss for that leg.

# Profit %

Current Gain percentage of the leg.

Example: buy CE 1 lot of 50 quantity for Rs. 200 and current traded price or exit price is Rs.250, then stop gain percentage is 25%

Note if a leg has exited, we use the exitedPrice or if the leg is open, we use the leg's lastTradedPrice to calculate to profit/loss for that leg.

# Entry Time

Entry time of the leg in 24 hours format HH:MM:SS format. Example: 15:20:00

#Duration After entry

Time since the leg entered. If the leg entered at 09:15:00 and current time is 10:20:00 then Duration After entry will be 01:05:00 1 hour 5 minutes 0 seconds.

#Entry Price

Entry Price of the leg.

# Last Traded Price

Last traded price of the leg.

# Already Entered

Can be used to check if the leg has entered or not. - Is true, if the leg has entered - Is false if the leg has not entered.

# Already Exited

Can be used to check if the leg has exited or not. - Is true, if the leg has exited. - Is false, if the leg has not exited.

# Already Exited In Profit

Can be used to check if the leg has exited and exited in profit. - Is true, if the leg has exited and exited in profit. - Is false, otherwise

# Already Exited In Loss

Can be used to check if the leg has exited and exited in loss. - Is true, if the leg has exited and exited in loss. - Is false, otherwise

# Already Moved To Cost

Can be used to check if the leg has moved to cost.

# Number Of StopLoss Trails

Can be used to check the number of performed stop loss trails.

# Loss Amount

Current loss amount of the leg.

Example: buy CE 1 lot of 50 quantity for Rs. 200 and current traded price or exit price is Rs.150, then stop loss amount is 2500. (Rs. 50 for each quantity. Total 50 quantity. So 50 * 50.)

Note if a leg has exited, we use the exitedPrice or if the leg is open, we use the leg's lastTradedPrice to calculate to profit/loss for that leg.

# Profit Amount

Current gain amount of the leg.

Example: buy CE 1 lot of 50 quantity for Rs. 200 and current traded price or exit price is Rs.250, then stop gain amount is 2500. (Rs. 50 for each quantity. Total 50 quantity. So 50 * 50.)

Note if a leg has exited, we use the exitedPrice or if the leg is open, we use the leg's lastTradedPrice to calculate to profit/loss for that leg.

# Loss Points

Current loss points of the leg.

Example: buy CE 1 lot of 50 quantity for Rs. 200 and current traded price or exit price is Rs.150, then stop loss points is 50.

Note if a leg has exited, we use the exitedPrice or if the leg is open, we use the leg's lastTradedPrice to calculate to profit/loss for that leg.

# Profit Points

Current gain points of the leg.

Example: buy CE 1 lot of 50 quantity for Rs. 200 and current traded price or exit price is Rs.250, then stop gain points is 50.

Note if a leg has exited, we use the exitedPrice or if the leg is open, we use the leg's lastTradedPrice to calculate to profit/loss for that leg.